Steps of Fantom Smart Contract Auditing

Step 1Preliminary Code Review
  • Our team checks the smart contracts to see the code structure and current outcomes of functions.
Step 2Known Vulnerability Analysis
  • Then, the smart contract code is then put through automated tools to find know vulnerabilities.
Step 3Project Familiarization Phase
  • In this phase, our audit professional conducts a meeting with your development team to understand the result that you expect.
Step 4Static Code Analysis
  • This phase of the Fantom audit services includes an expert going through the entire code line by line to find hidden vulnerabilities.
Step 5Source Code Lock-down
  • The source code lockdown is important to ensure that the cobase does not undergo any kind of change during the audit.
Step 6Code Quality Analysis
  • We check for the quality of code and see if the development team has followed industry best practices.
Step 7Functionality Analysis
  • The motive of this phase is to analyze the functionality of the smart contract to see if it achieves the desired outcomes.
Step 8Live Testing
  • We test the smart contracts on the testnet using several parameters and push the code to its limits.
Step 9Gas Usage
  • We check for gas efficiency and make sure that the smart contract only uses the gas it needs to while ensuring smooth transactions.

What is FTM?

FTM or Fantom is an EVM blockchain that supports all token standards and smart contracts that Ethereum supports. Fantom is a blockchain that many gaming project prefer especially for utility tokens. Apart from EVM compatibility, you also get faster transaction speeds, lower has fees, and good community support.

Common Vulnerabilities Attacks

Block Gas Limit Vulnerabilities

A block can only consume gas to a particular limit, any translation that exceeds this limit does not execute.

Eclipse attacks

The attacker creates a fake environment around a node or a user to manipulate their actions.

Denial of service attacks

An attacker shuts off the users’ access to the smart contract, platform, or network.

Integer arithmetic errors

Since EVM does not support floating points, Integer arithmetic errors are very common.

Blockchain state corruption

Attackers keep an eye on transactions and overtake other users to exploit an opportunity before their transactions are confirmed. This is most commonly seen on Decentralized Exchanges.

Logical Bugs

The fact that blockchains are immutable means that any smart contract deployed on a network cannot be changed or edited. Even simple logical errors can be crippling especially when the volume is high.

Our Fantom Smart Contract Audit Services

Coding Spec

Our Fantom audit services include a complete coding specifications check where our experts check for code integrity and best practices.

Design Defect

In our Fantom verifications services, we also check the architecture to ensure the efficiency of your smart contractṣ.

Coding Security

As a defi project, your smart contract will handle millions of dollars in crypto. Our coding security check ensures that they have no blind spots.

Coding Design

The efficiency of a smart contract directly translates to how usable it is for your community. Our Fantom audit service includes a complete coding design check.

Code Hidden Vulnerabilities

Certain vulnerabilities do not come up on automated audits. This is why our Fantom audit services include line-by-line audits by professionals.

Audit Reports

The audit report contains all the vulnerabilities in the contract, recommendations, and mitigation strategies you implement.

What Do You Get?

what do you get

48 Hour Code Review

Our Fantom audit services come with a quick turnaround time for basic token smart contract audits.

Check For 157+ Vulnerabilities

Through a combination of automated and manual audit methods, we check for 157+ vulnerabilities.

Report & Recommendations

You get a complete smart contract audit report with recommendations to make your project more efficient.

Free revisions

After the pilot report, you get 2 free revisions to correct your smart contract before updating the final report.

Audit By 2 Unbiased Experts

Each smart contract audit goes through 2 rounds of manual analysis by expert blockchain security professionals.

Advantages of Fantom Smart Contract Audits

To eliminate vulnerabilities

Ensure that your smart contracts are completely safe before deploying on the mainnet for your users.

To optimize the code

Optimize the smart contract code to leverage Fantom’s fast transactions and lower gas fees.

To run the code efficiently

Improve code efficiency by receiving recommendations from our audit and Solidity smart contract experts.

To re-enforce authorization

Make sure that your smart contracts don’t have any backdoors and make the project your own.

Advantages of Fantom Smart Contract

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